"I am not a unicorn. But I believe I am one.
For your information, I don't fart rainbows."
catloverNH focuses on exploring the potential of jewelry in world building and character design. Through a series of different jewelry design projects related to her world building project, her work revolves around recording fictional history through metal.
World building and exploring how to world-build has always been an essential part of life in general for catloverNH. Even though a lot of the choices when it comes to academic studies doesn't seen to connect with this. The choice to studying metalsmithing, specifically jewelry, was a result of her lack of confidence in finding the resources to study blacksmithing. However, this somewhat absurd reason to start led to jewelry being one of the things that she is the most passionate.
But this is not it
The choice to study game development and game design (even though the former proved to be too hard), was because of curiosity and the potential games have to offer when it comes to design choice and immersion. The craftsman of catloverNH wants to see weapons being used as intended when designed, and video games provide the opportunity. Prop and weapon design became something that she got really interested in while dabbling with character sculpting while she learned how to sculpt in ZBrush.
At the end of the day, she walked away from school with a basic game modeling skill set with some basic Unreal Engine knowledge and a pretty well fleshed out jewelry skills. This combination is somewhat peculiar, but with the changing world, there will always be a spot for what this can bring.