Nature's Wonders is a collection of earring designs designed by catloverNH during the Fall of 2019. This collection is special because it's one of the cases where catloverNH uses color for copper-shade metals. Not only this, the sketches during this period of time is really reflective of the fabrication methods that she was planning on using to make them. In this case, the designs for Nature's Wonders and the other collections designed in this year both calls for the use of form folding and basic forging to create the form.
Nature's Wonders draws inspiration from different things in nature catloverNH finds interesting. Everything in this designs relate to the concept of life one way or another. The heart is one of the most important organs for a majority of animals, humans included. Ribs are something that is there to protect the heart, even if an animal doesn't have ribs, they would have something similar to provide basic protection for their vital organs. The gecko's tail is a famous form of self protection when it comes to learning about animals and how they survive, and this is connected to life because the reason the gecko is able to do this is because they need to keep on living. The stamen of the flower, in the case of plants that have them, is an essential organ that allow plants to reproduce, hence the creation or the passing down of life. Others like leaves and vines are parts of plants that ensure their survival, as for the cages? Cages are something that catloverNH considers essential to humans and how they see things, visible or invisible, they are a way to keep people in line because all humans are born evil.
Made in Adobe Photoshop
Fall 2019 by catloverNH